Immobiliare Arcadia


Capannone, Industriale in vendita Via Agrigento - Modugno, Zona Industriale
€ 265.000 + iva
  • 858 mq
  • 1
  • 3

Shed for sale in Modugno industrial area of about 858 square meters.

Within a small industrial-craft complex, Immobiliare Arcadia, offers for sale a shed of about 580 square meters arranged on one level plus offices, located on two levels, bathrooms and locker rooms for a total of about 275 square meters..

The shed, built in 2003 and made accessible in 2004, has a useful height under the beam of 7.25 metres and is prepared for the installation of an overhead crane.

The fully fenced complex is equipped with all the facilities in compliance with current legislation.

This shed for sale in Modugno - Bari, is located near the shopping center "Gli Ulivi" has a convenient road that connects easily with the sp231 and ss96 in both directions, with the airport of Bari - Palese and the port.

To evaluate the commercial proposal customised to your needs, you can call Arcadia Real Estate - 080.5041523 or book a visit directly from the website

Dettagli principali

  • Prezzo€ 265.000
  • Mq858
  • Locali1
  • Classe Energ.E
  • IPE100.72 Kwh/mq annuo
  • Spese Annuali€ 840

Dettagli aggiuntivi

  • ProprietàIntera proprietà
  • CondizioniDiscreto
  • ClassificazioneMedio

Caratteristiche interne

  • Altezza Sotto Trave  (7.25 mq)
  • Bagni3
  • Campate 
  • Mensole Per Carroponte  Predisposizione per futura installazione
  • Spogliatoi 
  • Uffici  su due livelli (275 mq)


  • Citofono 
  • Elettrico  Originale
  • Fognario  Fossa Biologica
  • Idraulico  Originale
  • Porta Blindata 

Caratteristiche esterne

  • Altezza Portoni  (4.2 mq)
  • Larghezza Porte/portoni  (5 mq)
  • Recinzione 


Il tuo Consulente di riferimento è:
Mauro Catarinella  


Rif. immobile 11550/2022

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